New England Lodge #4, F&AM
New England Lodge #4, F&AM
Northwest Temple
2436 W Dublin Granville Rd
Columbus, OH 43235

Meeting 2nd Monday of the Month at 7:30PM
Dinner and Fellowship 6:30PM (map)

Schedule of Events: (all year)
18-198:00AGrand Lodge, Dayton Masonic Center, 525 Riverview Ave, Dayton OH 45405,
147:30PStated Meeting. Dinner at 6:30P
21tbdAnnual Audit to be completed. Treasurer, Secretary, LEO provide reports.
217:00POfficers Meeting, venue TBD
287:00EA Degree
117:30PAnnual Meeting, election of officers. Dinner at 6:30P
257:00PInstallation of Officers and Awards Night
97:30PStated Meeting. Dinner at 6:30P
14morningHoliday Cheer, for widows.