New England Lodge #4, F&AM
New England Lodge #4, F&AM
Northwest Temple
2436 W Dublin Granville Rd
Columbus, OH 43235

Meeting 2nd Monday of the Month at 7:30PM
Dinner and Fellowship 6:30PM (map)

Schedule of Events: (all year)
88:00A- 3:00PSYSK 2 - Grove City
107:30PMStated Meeting: Dinner at 6:30PM
1612:30p-2:20pPractice for FC Inspection
247:00PInspection in Fellowcraft Degree, dinner 6:00P
18:00A- 3:00PSYSK 3 - West Gate
8TBDGrand Master Reception. Location TBD
107:30PStated Meeting. Dinner at 6:30P
177:00POfficers Meeting, venue TBD
76:00PMasonic Night at Aladdin Shrine - 1801 Gateway Cir, Grove City, OH 43123
129:00A- 12:00PSYSK make-up class - Reynoldsburg
12TBDShrine Ceremonial
147:30PStated Meeting. Dinner at 6:30P
217:00POfficers Meeting, venue TBD